Top Tips From Auctioneer Sensation Abra Annes

Live auctioneers often are a key aspect of your fundraising event. San Francisco-based auctioneer sensation Abra Annes recently shared with us some insight on her career, as well as some precious tips to help you with your fundraising.
Abra has been auctioneering for various nonprofits for more than 5 years. After all, it is the ultimate mix of all her exceptional skills, auctioneering and fundraising. As she says, There is nothing better. You get to make the world a better place, raise money for wonderful causes, go to fabulous events and meet great people.
When it comes to fundraising, Abra has a few tricks down her sleeve. According to the auctioneer, it is very important to get the money in early. Don’t leave the fundraising until last! Besides, it is imperative to plan your event around how you want your guest/donors to feel in order to make your fundraiser a great success.”
As society always evolves, so should your events. The key is to stay current. Use new, fresh ideas from the current culture at your event. For example, virtual reality is HOT and nonprofits need to be on the wagon first. Finally, finding the right auctioneer for your organization is what will truly make your event great for fundraising.
Are you an aspiring auctioneer? Abra believes that in order to be a top auctioneer you should find your own unique style to set you apart from everyone else. Besides, she says Always keep learning! Find a mentor to work with you and read/watch/listen to anything and everything relating the business. I watch videos, read books and listen to podcasts to do with fundraising.
Last summer Abra was first introduced to fundraising technology when she met Givergy’s Managing Director Tim Stansbury. Since then, we’ve had the opportunity to work together with some incredible organizations.
“The shiny tablets on the tables give a new, cool and fresh feel to fundraising events and it saves me a lot of my time. I don’t need to tell them to pick up a pen and paper, open the leaflets and explain the process. In this case, people are automatically drawn to the tablets on the tables and start browsing through the silent auction items. With the addition of leaderboards, the audience gets really excited and people even start cheering! It really brings the event to life. People love to play with technology, this is why so many people spend so much time at the Apple store.”
If you have had the chance to watch Abra on stage or even be in the audience at one of the events she has hosted, you likely have noticed her exceptional pledge drives. Fun, memorable and energetic are the perfect words to describe them. She also has the ability to sell any item for remarkable amounts of money. She once sold two items for $200,000 each at an event! Impressive, isn’t it? Needless to say, Abra is a huge asset to any fundraising event she auctioneers.
With Abras talent and Givergy’s technology, we cannot wait to be #RaisingMore for further incredible causes on the west coast of the US and around the globe. If you would like to learn more about Abra Annes, visit her website here. As for our fundraising technology, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Ben Crook
Chief Operating Officer
Ben is at the forefront of every project in Givergy, listing and actioning constant improvements across the business. With over a decade of experience in the charity and events sector he brings a deep understanding of what the fundraising industry needs to operate effectively and efficiently.
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