6 Questions To Ask When Planning Your Next School Fundraising Event

We understand that school fundraising can be tricky! Like any other fundraising event, schools undoubtedly have hurdles to overcome in order for their event to be a success. However, after supporting hundreds of school fundraising events across the globe, we stumbled across a few qualities and assets that schools naturally retain, giving them an advantage when it comes to fundraising. Make sure to ask yourself these six questions to ensure you get the most out of what you may already have at your disposal.
1. Where can I easily source auction items?
Parents, guardians and other stakeholders will more than likely be able to donate a variety of auction items. These items can be something that they may privately own like a stay at their exotic holiday home, or have donated from their employer, such as VIP box seats. Their contribution is crucial to the success of the event. Another advantage of obtaining donated auction items is that it eliminates the need for a reserve, which means that 100% of the funds raised go directly to the cause.
2. Where can I find a cost-effective venue?
A great way to keep costs down and reduce time trying to locate a venue is to take advantage of school halls and grounds, which make the ideal venue for fundraising events! School venues often offer the perfect facilities that you will require for your event, whether large grassy areas to hold a marquee, or inside in a gymnasium. They’re usually spacious, and even if a bit dated, parents tend to look past that as they’re just pleased to be supporting the school.
3. How will I fill my seats?
Filling seats is no easy feat. but a school fundraising event allows tickets to be sold at a subsidised rate due to having having auction items and venue costs can be kept to a minimum, or covered entirely, keeping outgoings and overheads low! In addition, it becomes easier to fill seats, with access to an active, local and easy to reach database of parents and alumni. Make the most of this database by including event ticketing details in the newsletter, on social media, and with flyers for students to take home.
4. How do I create an exciting atmosphere?
It can be particularly difficult to influence the atmosphere of your event, however, the bond that parents have towards a school and amongst their community is often incredibly strong and competitive. For those that attend many events throughout the year, the naturally energising and exciting ambiance of a school fundraiser is exceptionally noticeable when compared to other third-party events, which is key when looking to raise funds for your dedicated cause. Consider an online auction to get the competition going!
5. Do I know people with vested interest in school fundraising?
Whether parents attended the school or their child is a student there, they will have the interest to donate larger amounts of money because of the personal connection they have formed with the school. For this reason, they will continue to donate and support fundraising events to raise funds for the school, or to further benefit their child’s future. To introduce new donors, encourage parents to bring along a friend or colleague who will naturally want to support their friends child’s future.
6. Where can I get assistance for the planning process?
If you’re thinking about hosting a school fundraising event, its likely you will have existing relationships with the school and parents that will make the process of planning a lot easier. Create a sign-up sheet and survey the parents with the various categories so that you can identify whos willing to offer what skill set.
If you’re thinking about organising a school fundraising event, please don’t hesitate to get in contact today to find out how we can help you exceed your fundraising target!
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Ben Crook
Chief Operating Officer
Ben is at the forefront of every project in Givergy, listing and actioning constant improvements across the business. With over a decade of experience in the charity and events sector he brings a deep understanding of what the fundraising industry needs to operate effectively and efficiently.
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